Taqwa Institute, providing in-depth study of the Islamic sciences for all our students
Taqwa Institute was established in August 2007 and a over decade later, currently has over 250 students. The waiting list for children seeking admission is growing daily. With the help of our amazing teachers and staff we are able to provide the best in-depth study of the Islamic sciences for all our students. Subjects range from Arabic, Tajweed, and Hifdh to Fiqh, Seerah, Ahadeeth and Tazkiyah, and much more.



Creative Arts, Speech & Song


Hifdh Memorisation

Taqwa Institute, Advancing Education for the Public Benefit
Wide range of courses available at Taqwa Institute
The waiting list for children seeking admission is growing daily and so the need to expand from our current premises is vital.
With your donations we can look to cater for more and more students, teach a wider range of subjects for a wider range of students,
and all with the best equipment and facilities that our students deserve.